Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Thanksgiving Dinner that couldn't be beat ...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, with friends and family gathered round. My daughter arrived at 3am two nights earlier from college with her newly engaged fiance in tow. They have been dating for 5 years, and plan on getting married once both are out of college. I was bound and determined to cook on the woodfired cookstove. Although it was in the 20's when I woke up and started cooking, it headed up into the 50's during the day, and we basted ourselves at a balmy 98 degrees with windows open and fans running. Need to save that stove for very cold days.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Dinner over a Wood Fire

We have been learning how to cook with the wood-fired cook stove, and are getting better at it. A oven thermometer was a big help, as the thermometer in the door of the stove reads low. Putting aluminum foil over items keeps the surface from burning before the food cooks through. We believe we are ready for Thanksgiving dinner, and will try not to disappoint the 20 some folks showing up.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

GardenShare Potluck

We had a wonderful potluck dinner Thursday night, produced by Gardenshare . This is an annual Local Harvest Dinner with the focus on local food production and community supported agriculture. We brought a Chicken and vegetable stew made with 100% local food on our wood fired cook stove. The main speaker was Bill McKibben, a very entertaining and knowledgeable speaker. He spoke on "Think Globally, Act Neighborly".

Today Linda and I are making applesauce and apple butter from local apples.